
Former Maersk chairman takes on job for the Danish government

Jim Hagemann Snabe moves into Slotsholmen and will advise the Danish government on the maritime sector

The Danish government has established a growth team in the maritime sector.

The team is tasked with ensuring that the maritime industry in Denmark has the best possible framework conditions to maintain its competitiveness in the future.

This is stated in a press release from the Ministry of Industry, Business, and Financial Affairs.

According to the ministry's wording, the committee's task is to deliver recommendations on how The Blue Denmark does not lose pace as a leading maritime nation but instead seizes the many opportunities for growth that the green transition of shipping brings.

Former Maersk chairman Jim Hagemann Snabe has been chosen as the chairman of the committee.

Jim Hagemann Snabe states in a written comment:

- Danish and global shipping are facing a comprehensive green transition, which, for example, requires huge amounts of green fuels, and there is a need for virtually all forms of energy efficiency improvements. This opens up new, significant export opportunities for Denmark and Danish companies, as stated in Jim Hagemann Snabe's statement.

He continues: 

- Therefore, I am looking forward to the collaboration with the other maritime key players, so we can get specific about how The Blue Denmark can also play a significant role for Denmark in the future and accelerate the green transition globally.

Danish shipping is, as is well known, Denmark's largest export industry. However, according to the industry organization Danish Shipping, it is important to have a strategic focus on opportunities and challenges.

Danish Shipping recommends that the new growth team should have a broad focus that covers the entire maritime industry. Specifically, one should focus on the growth opportunities that the green transition offers, as well as how we ensure the right skills at sea and on land.

- We cannot afford to rest on our laurels. Denmark must be at the forefront of green shipping and maritime technology, says CEO of Danish Shipping, Anne H. Steffensen. She continues:

- We need to ensure growth in The Blue Denmark, and we have to ensure ambitious international regulation so that we aren't overtaken by strong and rapidly growing shipping hubs like China, Singapore, and Dubai.

The announcement from the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs does not specify when the new growth team will publish its recommendations.

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