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Hoyer Delivers Satisfying Quarter Result

After nine months, Hoyer's turnover has risen by 44.5% compared to the previous year. This great result is particularly due to new markets such as Hungary, Poland and Benelux.

Both of Hoyer's business units are pleased with the overall result for the first three quarters of this financial year. Domestic turnover has risen by 19.6%, and exports by 64.7%.

"It is especially pleasing that we have managed to achieve 21.9% growth in turnover in our business unit Hoyer Transmissions. We have succeeded in regaining focus, and this has led to results. This growth has emboldened us to intensify our efforts in this business unit by resuming direct selling in Germany – something we suspended during the 2008/2009 financial crisis," says Thomas Klausen, Sales Manager, Hoyer.

Success in new markets paves the way for an ambitious growth strategy
Our good export turnover can be particularly attributed to markets such as Hungary, Poland and Benelux, all of which are new markets for Hoyer.

"Our activities in these new markets look very promising in relation to our general growth strategy of 20% per year until 2015. It is very pleasing that both business units are generating satisfactory growth rates in all the countries in which we operate," says Thomas Klausen.

One of the new initiatives intended to help maintain growth rates of at least 20% per year is the intensification and optimization of internal training.

Further information
Thomas Klausen, Sales Manager, Hoyer
(+45) 8765 6440

Over Hadstenvej 42
8370 Hadsten
Favrskov Kommune
CVR nummer: DK17630695

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