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Hoyer Motors ready with the first approval of IE2 marine motors

Hoyer Motors has received the first design approval from ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) of IE2 motors. More approvals are expected.

Hoyer Motors has acquired the first approval of their IE2 marine motors. The design approval from ABS opens up for many new business areas and is an essential step forward for Hoyer Motors.

"The marine Industry is a key area for Hoyer Motors, and it is our belief that our marine customers can see the benefit of switching to more energy friendly IE2 motors. Therefore we want to be the first who can offer the motors with the proper approvals,” says Erik Just Petersen, Technical Manager at Hoyer Motors.

Approvals from GL and BV on the way
In order to keep abreast with the different demands of the shipping companies and the shipyards, Hoyer Motors has also initiated approvals from GL (Germanischer Lloyd) and BV (Bureau Veritas). The approval from GL is expected to be ready in early 2012 - and the approval from BV a little later in 2012.

For more information about Hoyer Motors visit our website at www.hoyermotors.com

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Favrskov Kommune
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