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UNIC Stainless Steel Cylinder

Designed to the customer's specifications

With the most ‘cleaning-friendly’ design on the stainless steel pneumatic cylinder market, the UNIC Stainless Steel Cylinder is the optimum choice if you are looking for cylinders that are easy to clean while still having the ability to last for many years, even in the toughest environments.

During the development phase of the UNIC cylinder programme, considerable emphasis is placed on its design, ease of cleaning and functionality.

With UNIC Stainless Steel Cylinders, all of the traditional "dirt-collecting" components, such as bolt heads, interfaces, bolt holes and rough spots in general, have been removed. The braking system has a unique design which makes it extremely easy to clean. Hence, the system is externally mounted with bolts with side nuts, wider adjustment options and lock bolts.

We also produce several different specialist solutions - metering cylinders in all sizes, with dairy flanges, for instance, for quick and easy assembly, or cylinders with adjustable stroke lengths.

The UNIC Stainless Steel Cylinder programme is extremely flexible - and their design is something special. You can tailor the programme to your exact specifications, and the cylinders are supplied with integrated mountings. In addition, they are easily detached for cleaning.


HNC Group A/S
Borgergade 17
4241 Vemmelev
Slagelse Kommune
CVR nummer: DK25486064

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