
Maersk Line: Operationer fortsætter som planlagt

Ifølge en pressemeddelelse fra Maersk Line sejler containerskibene stort set ifølge planen - indtil videre

Alle operationer fortsætter som planlagt indtil videre, og 'majoriteten' af havneanløb vil også blive gennemført. Sådan lyder det fra Maersk Line, mens APM Terminals angiveligt er hårdere ramt af angrebet.

Meddelelse fra Maersk Line kl. 11:35 onsdag formiddag:

Following on from our communications yesterday (27th June 2017) regarding the impact of the global cyber attack, Petya, on A.P. Møller-Maersk group, we can confirm that some of our IT and communications infrastructure have been impacted and we have proactively shut down as a security measure.

For now this means the following:

All immediate vessel operations will continue as planned, making the majority of planned port calls.

Access to most ports is not impacted, however some APM Terminals are affected and gates are closed

Cargo in transit will be offloaded as planned. Import Cargo will be released to credit customers

At the present time we are unfortunately unable to serve new quotes or accept future bookings. However we do greatly appreciate your patience and look forward to carrying your cargo as soon as it is practically possible

Unfortunately due to the impact on our IT and communications systems we are limited in our ability to communicate with you. We will continue to email you when appropriate and will be updating our Social Media channels regularly.

We apologize once again for any inconvenience this may cause your business and we are working hard to resume normal operations as soon as possible.

The Maersk Team

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